Friday, May 28, 2010

Babes in the Kitchen

These babes were beautiful... all under 18 months old! At a recent ACE Community Building Workshop in Youngstown the local caterers were hard at work preparing lunch for almost 50 people. At the cooks' feet were three little ones. We did hear an occasional outburst, but nothing loud enough to take the attention away from the speaker.

Having the ability to bring children to a community event is valuable. In this situation, the mothers were able to work, earn extra income, keep their children with them, and support the community. In the communities ACE supports we have heard how important it is to have childcare available during community meetings.

Some communities have created situations where childcare is easily incorporated at community events . The feedback to the local leaders was tremendous. Often having childcare at the event meant spouses could attend. Other times it meant the parent could easily attend and participate in something in the community.

Childcare at community events reflect what communities are all about: uniting all. Child care at an event helps to bridge the gap between generations, provides opportunities for connectedness, elevates pressure on parents, gets more people involved, and reminds people of the different types of needs and groups of people in the community.

Thinking outside the lines on how to offer childcare during a community meeting is a good start to including families with younger children. Areas to tap into for support could be the youth, seniors, faith based groups, other parents, or people from neighbouring communities. Organizing a rotating schedule where different people can help and still participate in meetings would be useful.

Local businesses or parents could offer to supply snacks and toys. There is a tremendous amount of activities for children of all ages on-line and through books from the local library that could be tapped into and used to plan play activities.

Keeping in mind the whole community when planning large meetings helps to build a positive atmosphere. Meeting the needs of parents with children demonstrates to people the value of each community member. After all, those babes in the kitchen are our next leaders and we need to take care of them.